I couldn’t help but see the outline of a turkey’s face when looking at a map of Pittsburgh’s myriad neighborhoods. Original map (public domain)
Tag Archives: pennsylvania
Pittsburgh as a turkey head
Posted in Comparisons, Digital
Also tagged inkscape, neighborhoods of pittsburgh, pittsburgh, pittsburgh layout, pittsburgh map, pittsburgh neighborhoods, pittsburgh pa, pittsburgh pennsylvania, turkey
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18 inches of snow in time lapse
Edit: I sped it up so it runs a little over 2 minutes. See full post for original slower version.
Posted in Video
Also tagged blizzard, indiana pa, snow, snowstorm, time lapse, timelapse
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18 inches of snow in photos
Most of my shots ended up being utter garbage due to wind/numb hands. These were the cream of the crap.
Time Lapse
Probably the forerunner of better quality videos. The camera can do much better than this, but I haven’t quite figured out all the options of the capture utility yet.
Buildings in Indiana
On the back of a house a little ways down the street from me. I guess it’s someone’s mini-balcony (?). I find it amusing. A few buildings away from where I live. This used to be a one-floor car showroom. The last couple weeks they’ve been doing a shitload of work on it (sawing, pounding, […]