Because in an under-regulated, greed-driven environment, profit always supersedes public responsibility.
Category Archives: Digital
Posted in Digital
Tagged bp, british petroleum, deepwater horizon, deepwater horizon oil spill, environmental disaster, gulf of mexico oil spill, gulf oil spill, inkscape, oil spill, pollution, responsibility, svg
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Pittsburgh as a turkey head
I couldn’t help but see the outline of a turkey’s face when looking at a map of Pittsburgh’s myriad neighborhoods. Original map (public domain)
Also posted in Comparisons
Tagged inkscape, neighborhoods of pittsburgh, pennsylvania, pittsburgh, pittsburgh layout, pittsburgh map, pittsburgh neighborhoods, pittsburgh pa, pittsburgh pennsylvania, turkey
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I played around with an interesting program called Evolvotron recently. The author of the program, Tim Day, summarizes it as… an interactive “generative art” application for Linux to evolve images/textures/patterns/animations through an iterative process of random mutation and user-selection driven evolution. (This process is also often referred to as “evolutionary art” or “genetic art”.) If […]
Also posted in Video
Tagged algorithmic art, artificial selection, evolutionary art, evolvotron, ffmpeg, fractal, genetic art, hd video, linux, mandlebrot set, math, vector art, vector graphic, youtube
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A relatively simple SVG I made in Inkscape. (Trying to teach myself.) Loosely inspired by this 1927 sketch of a Philippine Tarsier:
Posted in Digital
Tagged inkscape, scalable vector graphic, svg, tarsier, tarsius, vector, vector art, vector graphic
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