Toroidal array with deletable nodes

Edit: apparently the term toroidal array is a concise name for a grid with the wrapping behavior which I implemented in the Grid class I wrote. So, obviously that much has been done before, as I suspected when I originally posted this article. However, my node “deletion” system may still be something new. Actually, the deletion system seems to be horribly bugged, and I don’t have time to fix it.

I wrote a pair of classes to handle a 2×2 or larger grid of nodes. Each node borders 4 other nodes. For example, a 3×3 grid would look like:

0 1 2
3 4 5
6 7 8

Node 0 would be connected to node 6 to the north, node 1 to the east, node 3 to the south, and node 2 to the west. (Node connections wrap to the other side of the grid when the node is on an “edge” of the grid.) Node 4 would be connected to 1, 5, 7, and 3, respectively.

Upon deleting a node, the hole is filled by the remaining nodes. I’m probably not the first one to implement something like this, but I was kinda bored and felt like coding it from scratch.

See full article for source code and further details.

public class Grid {
	private int width, height;
	private GridNode[] nodes;

	public Grid(int width, int height) {
		this.width = width;
		this.height = height;
		nodes = new GridNode[width * height];
		int north, south, east, west;
		for (int i=0; i<width*height; i++) {
			north = findNorthBoundary(i);
			east = findEastBoundary(i);
			south = findSouthBoundary(i);
			west = findWestBoundary(i);
			nodes[i] = new GridNode(north, east, south, west);

	public Grid() {
	public GridNode getNode(int index) {
		return nodes[index];
	public int[] getConnectedNodes(int index) {
		int allNodes[] = new int[] { nodes[index].getNorth(), nodes[index].getEast(),
				nodes[index].getSouth(), nodes[index].getWest() };
		int intact = 4;
		for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
			if (allNodes[i] == -1) {
		int intactNodes[] = new int[intact];
		int pos = 0;
		for (int i=0; i<4; i++) {
			if (allNodes[i] == -1) {
			} else {
				intactNodes[pos] = allNodes[i];
		return intactNodes;
	private int findWestBoundary(int i) {
		if (isWestEdge(i)) {
			return i + width - 1;
		} else {
			return i - 1;

	private int findSouthBoundary(int i) {
		if (isSouthEdge(i)) {
			return i % width;
		} else {
			return i + width;

	private int findNorthBoundary(int i) {
		if (isNorthEdge(i)) {
			return (width * height - (width - i));
		} else {
			return i - width;

	private int findEastBoundary(int i) {
		if (isEastEdge(i)) {
			return i - width + 1;
		} else {
			return i + 1;
	private boolean isWestEdge(int index) {
		return ((index % width) == 0);
	private boolean isEastEdge(int index) {
		return ((index % width) == (width - 1));
	private boolean isSouthEdge(int index) {
		return (index >= ((width * height) - width));
	private boolean isNorthEdge(int index) {
		return (index < width);
	public void deleteNode(int i) {
		if (isEastEdge(i)) {
			nodes[i-1].setEast(i-width + 1);
		} else if (isWestEdge(i)) {
			nodes[i+1].setWest(i + width - 1);
			nodes[i + width - 1].setEast(i+1);
		} else {
			nodes[i-1].setEast(i + 1);
		if (isNorthEdge(i)) {
			nodes[i+width].setNorth((width * height) - width + i);
			nodes[(width * height) - width + i].setSouth(i+width);
		} else if (isSouthEdge(i)) {
			nodes[i-width].setSouth(i % width);
		} else {
			nodes[i-width].setSouth(i + width);

	public boolean isAvailable(int i) {
		return nodes[i].isAvailable();

public class GridNode {
	private int north, east, south, west;
	private boolean available;

	public GridNode(int north, int east, int south, int west) {
		this.north = north;
		this.east = east;
		this.south = south;
		this.west = west;
		this.available = true;

	public int getNorth() {
		return north;

	public void setNorth(int north) {
		this.north = north;

	public int getEast() {
		return east;

	public void setEast(int east) {
		this.east = east;

	public int getSouth() {
		return south;

	public void setSouth(int south) {
		this.south = south;

	public int getWest() {
		return west;

	public void setWest(int west) {
		this.west = west;

	public boolean isAvailable() {
		return this.available;
	public void collapse() {
		this.west = -1;
		this.south = -1;
		this.north = -1;
		this.east = -1;
		this.available = false;

Usage example:

//constructs a grid with nodes 0-25
Grid grid = new Grid(5, 5);


The resulting grid will have node 7 connected to node 9, and node 3 connected to node 13.

Some limitations:

  • You should of course check the result of grid.isAvailable(index) before you try to do anything with a given node.
  • The grid must have at least two nodes in every row and column, unless it's okay for your nodes to link to themselves.
  • I also didn't handle deleting nodes that are adjacent, so try to avoid that unless you want a mess. This was just a quick hackish implementation, after all...

If you make any improvements to these classes, please leave a comment here.

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